Broken Heart Ministries is a non-denominational, Christ-centered ministry whose primary purpose is to be Christ’s hands and feet – bringing God’s love, compassion, and hope to people in nursing homes, homeless shelters, prisons, and chemical dependency treatment centers. Broken Heart Ministries will use God’s precious Word and His faithful promises along with Gospel music to mend broken people. “Jesus Christ is our reason for being” and is the theme of our message and song.
God has called us:
*to be Christ-like and to follow Jesus in His ministry of compassion.
*to be Jesus in the flesh to hurting people who so desperately need God’s love and forgiveness.
*to take the truth of God’s Word, the light of salvation into this dark world and to bring God’s peace.
*to share life with the lost, to bind those who are broken and to show people the love of Jesus.
Broken Heart Ministries is supported through the faithful prayers and contributions from individuals, churches, businesses and foundations. Since we are 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, your contributions are tax deductible. The best way to support this ministry is through the monthly contributions of our supporters. Monthly pledges provide Broken Heart Ministries with stable income from which we can more easily budget. All donations to this ministry are greatly appreciated.